Sunday, September 30, 2012


I hear snails make good fish bait.  I have plenty in my yard. I while ago my son and I had a fun adventure when we discovered we had a teeny snail problem. It should be noted, that this bucket is quite full. And, in deciding what to do about them, it ended up as a proposal for a new Olympic Sport.

1) Presentation of bag of snails to the Judging panel.

2 Straight posture, concentration and focus.
(True to era Napoleon Dynamite moon boots are particularly efficacious)
Starting stance, keeping the eye on the target

Good knee height, with energy upward.

5) Knee spread, increased difficulty, and extra style points.

6) Perfect downward thrust, delivering maximum soul to shell

7) Presentation to the judges.

USA 10.0, BOL 10.0, UKR 10.0, CHINA 10.0, CAN 10.0, FRA 9.7,
(France gave a .3 point deduction for snail goo on outside of bag.)

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