Sunday, September 30, 2012


One could argue that I’m just a creature of habit ‘cuz I haven’t made a report of anywhere but Utah Lake since ice out – it’s not for lack of trying! I haven’t caught a musky at Pineview, the boat broke down while unloading at Willard on a day so windy that even the water skiers had to take shelter in the marina, and Bear Lake… gads… I took some coordinates to look for while pulling my boys around on a tube during the day only to have my fishing time taken up in the evening by sentiment such as “Please God… if I could just make it back to the marina safe and sound and without my boat ending up on the bottom with these 4’ swells..." Literally, the waves were so big that boys were body surfing when I got back to the beach. Shocked

What can I say, Utah Lake has produced every trip this summer. Mind you, I’ve had to make some modifications as I went along - and hunt for ‘em. I fished UL almost two weeks ago and the conditions have changed since then. (I would have gone sooner, but I have become allergic to the recent high winds.
Crazy) The water was 86 degrees back then, and it was 80 on Friday, also, it sure seemed like the water levels have dropped quite measurably, going from the reeds and my sonar.

I like to fish with two poles to find fish, and that earlier trip I had a hard time getting that second pole in the water, trying to do so lost me fish cuz I lost track of my bobber being drug under and not getting to it in time. (Note to self: this is really stupid fishing, pay attention to your pole.) Besides, I have yet to catch a fish with bait on the bottom this year. It’s all been under a bobber. The trick, for us, has been when and how to set the hook. Too early and the fish wonders why their dinner was jerked out of their mouth, too late and he’ll thank you for it.

The water was levels of two weeks ago based on the reeds.

The water had a lot more algae in it a few weeks ago also. The color reminded me of something the kids drink:

Speaking of cooling off, my son took advantage of a break in the action to go get a stray bobber that broke off.

Funny story, when a line broke at the TOP of the bobber yesterday (after pulling it out of the weeds from trying to toss it too close to them), a fish took the bait under it and drug the bobber away!
Sly So, I here's a question for the gallery, pretty please. I’m using the plain ole red and white bobbers, and if I do have a break off – the weakness is at the bobber. (I put on new Excalibur Silver thread line this Spring BTW.) Ideas?

(Note to self: if the fishing is hot, don’t leave one cat in the net suspended between your legs UNTIL you break off its sharp barbs.) And while I realize that every image I post might be suspect,
Tongue there is no photoshop involved on this one…Pirate

With respect to the dedicated cat chasers that are MUCH better than I, I thought this was a nice fish that was sure fun to bring in.
Cool And, notice how much lower the water is by looking at the reeds.

Yesterday we even caught a few white bass, though none had much size. While my sensitivities are loathe to post a photo such as this, (lest anyone think I have a big ego, or give me criticism that my family is depleting the fish population) – it's worth posting a good pic showing that it doesn't take an expert to do well. And the family had some good eats compared to last year and getting skunked so often.

This made me wonder… if catfish were like, say… deer. How would we get them home?? Hmmm….

Now, to those that might ask me if THIS image is real, I have a suggestion: by pouring a complete circle of salt around yourself and your computer you can ensure that no harm befalls you and your pets. If harm, in fact unintentional harm occurs, please add some nutmeg and egg whites and place it in a warm oven for 40 minutes. Whisk briefly and let it stand for 2 hours before icing. Then, call your internet provider and ask them to cancel. The internet might not be a safe place for you to gather information.

And finally:

(Note to self: peanuts and chocolate chips are great treat for ICE fishing. Choose another on summer fishing days that exceed 90 degrees.)

Cheers everyone.

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